
Zoopla Limited
The Cooperage
5 Copper Row
Company No. 06074771
VAT Registration: 191 2231 33
Data Protection number: Z9972266

Website Address: https://www.zoopla.co.uk

What Zoopla Provides:

Property Listings

Residential Sales and Rentals: Zoopla lists a wide range of residential properties for sale and rent, including houses, flats, and new developments.

Commercial Properties: The platform also caters to commercial real estate, offering listings for offices, retail spaces, and industrial properties.

Valuation Tools

Zoopla Estimate: This tool provides estimated property values for homes across the UK, helping buyers and sellers gauge market prices.

Historic Prices: Users can access historical price data for properties, aiding in market research and investment decisions.

Market Insights

Local Area Statistics: Zoopla offers detailed insights into neighbourhood statistics, including average property prices, rental yields, and trends.

Market Reports – Regular reports and analyses on property market trends, economic factors affecting real estate, and regional comparisons.

Additional Services

Agent Finder: A tool to help users find local real estate agents.

Mortgage Calculator and Services: Financial tools and advice related to property financing.

Property News and Advice: Articles and guides on buying, selling, and renting properties, as well as home improvement tips.

User Experience

Search and Filters: Advanced search functionalities that allow users to filter properties by various criteria such as location, price range, property type, and specific features.

Alerts: Users can set up alerts to be notified of new listings that match their criteria.

Zoopla aims to simplify the property search process and provide valuable data and tools for both consumers and real estate professionals. Its extensive database and user-friendly interface make it a prominent player in the UK property market.

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