
Website: https://www.onthemarket.com
C/O Almond + Company Limited
11 York Street
M2 2AW

What OnTheMarket Provides:

Property Listings

Residential Sales and Rentals: OnTheMarket features a broad range of residential properties for sale and rent, including houses, flats, and new developments.

Commercial Properties: The platform also includes listings for commercial real estate, such as offices, retail spaces, and industrial properties.

Exclusive Listings

“New & Exclusive” Properties: OnTheMarket offers properties marked as “New & Exclusive,” which appear on the site 24 hours or more before being listed on other major property portals. This feature provides users with early access to new listings.

Valuation Tools

Instant Online Valuation: Tools that allow users to get quick estimates of their property’s value based on current market data.

Valuation Services: Access to professional valuation services through partner estate agents.

Market Insights and Research

Local Area Information: Detailed neighbourhood information, including average property prices, local amenities, schools, and transport links.

Market Trends: Analyses and reports on property market trends, providing insights into regional and national real estate conditions.

Additional Services

Agent Directory: A comprehensive directory to help users find and connect with local estate and letting agents.

Mortgage and Financial Advice: Access to mortgage calculators, planning tools, and financial advice through partnered service providers, some of which have been issued with a Property Association Award.

Property News and Guides: Articles and guides on buying, selling, and renting properties, as well as tips on home improvement and property investment.

User Experience

Advanced Search Filters: OnTheMarket offers advanced search functionalities that allow users to filter properties by various criteria such as location, price range, property type, and specific features.

Property Alerts: Users can set up alerts for new listings that match their criteria.

Saved Searches and Favorites: Features that enable users to save searches and favourite properties for easy access and comparison.

OnTheMarket aims to provide a user-friendly and efficient property search experience, with a focus on delivering new and exclusive listings. Its wide range of tools and services cater to both consumers and real estate professionals, making it a significant player in the UK property market.

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